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By Joe Marlett
Outstanding Breeder Frank Reece
This is a tribute to Frank Reece, Anderson South Carolina. Frank, at age 43, is not well Known Nationally but to me, represents a thousand Other outstanding breeders of the performing Birmingham Roller Pigeon in this country today. He has owned, bred and flew the Roller for 37 years. Sold, gave away loaned and traded birds with many famous well know fanciers in this country and some overseas. Yet, due to his quite manner and laid back nature he has acquired a vast knowledge of Rollers and enjoys the friendship and respect of many fanciers. Frank is from the same mold as Nick Loshuk of Ohio, whom not many of us had ever heard of until he won the Paul Vaughn Invitational Fly in 1990. Larry Hubbard, of Kentucky, is another one. I have never read a Roller article from Larry or Nick but when fly scores are reported their names is there at or near the top.
Frank first got started with Rollers in 1960, when his friend Johnny Hayes, who lived down the street gave him two pairs. He is confident that Johnny taught him more about rollers than any book he has ever read to this day and that is several in number. Today, Frank is still flying a Pensom strain he has kept pedigrees on for 21 years, with few outcrosses. He is not sure however, if there is really a Pensom strain as such. He believes Mr. Pensom owned and bred an accumulation of Rollers from different lofts in England and sold the offspring to fanciers in the USA, but Mr. Pensom was himself, a master of the master breeders. Frank met a Mr. Sepio Perez who lived down the street from Pensom and was told that the Rollers flown in South Carolina were better than Pensom ever flew.
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